Camra Labs Spring 2016
February 10, 5-6:30pm, at the Institute of Contemporary Art: Roundtable discussion on race, media and diversity at the Oscars with Dean John Jackson, SP2; Maori Holmes, Blackstar Film festival; and Khadijah White, Rutgers University. The conversation will be moderated by Mariam Durrani.
February 19, 12pm-2pm, at Slought: Presentation by Dr. Dwayne Dixon, on creating a multimodal dissertation on the Scalar platform, and visual artist Hong-An Truong, on their collaborative installation, “The City and the City”.–the-city/ March 4, 3pm-4PM, at Slought: Dean Jackson speaks on excerpts from his book, Thin Description, and his article, “Theorizing Production/Producing Theory (or, Why Filmmaking Really Could Count as Scholarship)” published in Cultural Studies. What are the implications of this work for filmic research? How might these texts help us take our multimodal research projects in new directions? March 25, 10am-12pm, Location TBD: “Evaluating Ethnographic Film, with Sandra Ristovska and Arjun Shankar. In this panel we use excerpts of Sidewalk, both the text and the film to re-enter one of camra‘s fundamental debates: what counts as ethnographic film and how to we evaluate these projects? April 21, 4pm-6pm, Location TBD: Tomorrow we Disappear, which follows the final years of Kathputli, India’s last colony of magicians, acrobats, and puppeteers. The directors, Jimmy Goldblum and Adam Weber are UPenn alums eager to share their work. The event is co-sponsored by the South Asia Center. |