Multimodal Resources during the COVID-19 Crisis
Scroll through for suggestions for at-home engagement, entertainment, arts, and culture; resources for virtual teaching and learning; resources for scholarship from home; resources for homeschooling and activities for kids and adolescents; links related to mental and physical health and well-being; and information, resources, and links for collective/mutual aid to help us all sustain (with Philly, Penn, and arts-specific, as well as general, links).
Updated June 1, 2020
Updated June 1, 2020
If any listed resources are no longer available, links are broken, or you have additions to the list, please email [email protected]
- We Are One: A Global Film Festival (May 29 - June 7)
- Access Kanopy through Penn for thousands of free movies
- Take a free virtual tour of museums around the world
- Experience live music online
- Met to launch free “Nightly Met Opera Streams"
- Watch Broadway plays and musicals from home
- Artist talks and lectures from the Brooklyn Museum
- Frida Kahlo’s work available in an interactive online exhibit via Google’s arts and culture
- Trinidad and Tobago Film Festival to take place online - March 28-April 10
- SXSW Film Festival Shorts available for online streaming on Mailchimp Presents platform
- Online resources from the Met Museum
- Bolshoi Ballet streaming every night online
- Kansas City FilmFest International hosted online starting April 13
- Browse Slought's online archive of event recordings and supplementary resources
- Free Library of Philadelphia guide to digital media resources
- The Library maintains robust digital resources that you can access anywhere with your library card, including podcasts, videos, Crowdcast, ebooks, audiobooks, movies, TV, music, over 100 databases, and the New York Times online. Visit their blog for more information on their digital and online offerings.
- Watch videos from Scribe's past projects
- Watch past conversations and lectures at ICA
- Watch live TV, series, and on demand programming at PhillyCAM
- Philadelphia Museum of Art online resources
- Barnes Foundation online collection, videos, livestreamed First Friday on 4/3, plus sign up for Barnes Takeout: Your Daily Serving of Art
- The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts - from home
- Watch a virtual conversation between the two UPenn Center for Experimental Ethnography Fellows: Just Cut Us Some Slack
- Instructions for sewing face masks for healthcare workers
- TIME (OUT)IN NYC offering many activity ideas
- Milk Street Cooking School offering free classes online
- Ideas for seizing the opportunity of home quarantine
- Play cards virtually with friends
- Several museums are encouraging people to recreate famous works of art in their homes -- check out some examples for inspiration and then create your own!
- So you've decided to keep a coronavirus diary - now what?
- Live video streams from the Monterey Bay Aquarium
- Google Earth launches virtual tours of 31 of the world's most incredible national parks
- Chatter pack’s (long) list of free online resources including virtual tours, online learning, geography and nature, music, arts and culture, literature, and other entertainment
- Live Updates: Mapping U.S. colleges’ plans for fall 2020
- Penn Libraries portal of virtual support for teaching, research, and learning
- Tips for facilitating live online discussions
- Message from NCTE about using multimodality in online courses
- Resources from the ASA (American Sociological Association) for teaching online
- Resources and strategies for teaching remotely from Penn's CTL
- Ideas for moving courses online in a hurry
- Crowdsourced resources for teaching online (You’ll need to create an H-Net account and subscribe to the network)
- Free shared resource for live virtual performances, etc.
- Working and learning online tips from Pearson
- Moving Online Now: How to keep teaching during the coronavirus – collection of articles from the Chronicle of Higher Education
- WSU Teach Anywhere Planning Guide
- Sample letter from Sociology Professor Nicole Gonzalez Van Cleve to undergraduate students about how to manage the semester
- The Art of Education University - central hub for art educators to answer questions, curate relevant ideas and opportunities to help optimize resources during this time, and weekly webinars to support art teachers
- Coping with Coronavirus: How faculty members can support students in traumatic times - collection of articles from the Chronicle of Higher Education
- Tips during COVID-19 for professors to support students
- "Affirming Black Lives Without Inducing Trauma" -- Resources from Teaching Tolerance Magazine
- Take Ivy League college courses online
- Yale course, The Science of Well-Being, available for free online
- Share your canceled conference presentations and receive peer feedback (You’ll need to create an H-Net account and subscribe to the network)
- How to Create an APA Style Reference for a Canceled Conference Presentation
- Books and journals offered free online from Project Muse
- Ten free e-books from Haymarket Books
- Crowd-sourced list of free downloadable books
- JSTOR resources made available
- Download books from the New York Public Library
- Many books available for free on Audible
- Free digital textbook loans through VitalSource
- COVID-19 Resources for Sociologists
- Resources available through Berghahn eBooks
- "It's time for next-generation remote collaboration" - post from Matt Stempeck
- "New to Working from Home? Here Are Some Tips to Help You Meet Like a Pro" - post from Esther Yoon
- Emerson Collective resources for remote learning
- NPR Lifekit: How to work from home
- Readings about abolition
- "27 things to read if you care about women of color" -- 2017 article by Alia E. Dastagir
- Book collections from Books for Littles
- List of children’s book authors doing online read alouds and activities
- Theatre Horizon offering virtual programming
- Scholastic offering free online learning resources for kids
- Many books available for free on Audible
- Crowd-sourced list of free live streaming shows and music classes for kids
- Online comics being made available for free for kids and educators
- Create your own storybook
- Mindfulness packet created by Mighty Writers
- "To Home School or Nah" - recommendations from Penn's own Brian Peterson
- Anti-oppressive/anti-racist homeschooling resources
- Crowd-sourced list of free educational resources online + another list
- Schedule a remote writing consultation with a Mighty Writers volunteer
- Learn at home using tech - list of websites, apps, podcasts, and youtube channels
- Daily video lessons for elementary, middle, and high school from Coney Island Prep
- Resources for World Language learning
- Open letter to high school seniors
- Teach from Home: a hub of information and resources to help teachers
- Zearn Math: hands-on instruction and immersive digital learning
- How to use the unschooling approach to ease the stress of homeschooling — Matador Network
- Anti-racism resources designed for white people and parents -- compiled by Sarah Sophie Flicker & Alyssa Klein
- Classroom Clapback -- resources for social justice education
- Black-owned face mask businesses
- Therapist Araya Baker’s list of resources and self-preservation tips (updated regularly) – includes resources related to recreation, childcare, education, finances, food, housing, mental health, physical health, sexual health, testing, and resources specific to minoritized/vulnerable populations
- Free online exercise classes from the YMCA
- Ideas for managing anxiety
- "Focusing on Emotional Health in Uncertain Times" - tips from CHOP Center for Injury Research and Prevention
- Live stream dance class schedule from Ballet X
- Live stream dance classes with the Alvin Ailey Extension School
- Penn Campus Rec resources for online exercise – links to multiple studios
- List of resources for anxiety, loneliness, mental health, and prayer (see bottom of page)
- Managing Fears and Anxieties - tips from Dr. Catherine Sykes
- CDC’s Coronavirus/COVID-19 Information page
- Coronavirus Information - how to prepare and protect yourself
- Coronavirus Data Map
- What you can do about Coronavirus right now - from the NYTimes
- Reading the Pictures - instant visual analysis of the latest news (sign up for email updates)
- Sign up to get an Evening Briefing from the NYTimes - emailed every day at 6pm, a good way to limit your news intake
- Guide to donating
- Suggestions of Organizations or Causes to Donate To related to police violence and the movement for Black Lives
- Comcast offering free home internet
- List of Resources and Mutual Aid (mostly CA-focused) from the Center for the Study or Racism, Social Justice, and Health
- Template letter to landlords for rent relief
- Tips for grocery shopping while quarantined
- U-Haul offers 30-day storage free for college students who must suddenly move out
- 211: (source of locally curated social services information in the US and most of Canada)
- COVID-19 Collective Care: (resources available by U.S. state and in certain countries)
- BuzzFeed's list of local, national, and international organizations that are working to ensure food, aid, and medical supplies are delivered to those who need it
- Black Lives Matter: State and Local Coronavirus Resource Map
- Pledge to give part of your stimulus check to undocumented families
- COVID-19 Resources for Social Workers and Therapists
- Resources for Non-Profits
- Federal Coronavirus Relief Bills: What Do They Mean for Nonprofits?
- Coronavirus Emergency Loans Guide and Checklist for Small Businesses and Nonprofits
- Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES ACT): Summary for Nonprofits
- Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act CARES Act (Pub. L. 116-136)
- Worker Organizing Toolkit
- The Bridgespan Group: Opportunities for Philanthropic Response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Crisis
- National Endowment for the Arts' list of arts service organizations that are providing frequently updated news and resources for artists and arts organizations
- I Care If You Listen has compiled a round-up of emergency funding sources and additional resources for artists, updated regularly
- Creative Capital's list of resources for artists working in all disciplines, as well as arts philanthropists and arts professionals
- Billboard's list of resources at both the national and state levels, including more than four dozen relief funds
- A Daily Report on How COVID-19 Is Impacting the Art World and how you can help
- The Freelance Artist Resource guide for freelance artists, and those interested in supporting the independent artist community: including actors, designers, producers, technicians, stage managers, musicians, composers, choreographers, visual artists, filmmakers, craft artists, teaching artists, dancers, writers & playwrights, photographers, etc
- List of resources and emergency funds for filmmakers curated by Scribe Video Center
- Financial Strategies for Freelance Artists in a Time of Crisis (ASL & Captioned)
- WomenArts: Emergency Funds for all art forms
- United Nations Global Call Out To Creatives - help stop the spread of COVID-19
- COVID-19 Artist Emergency Fund for Filmmakers
- Philly Artists/Freelancers Relief & Resources
- Penn mutual aid spreadsheet for housing/storage assistance and emotional/resources support -- plus recently added list of financial support available for students and find a map of aid availability here
- Grad Center at Penn - Resources and Supports for Spring 2020
- Penn Emergency Funding: (provides instructions for students who are looking for assistance in booking travel, in need of a laptop or other software in order to work remotely, or need financial support to pay for food, internet at home, or baggage fees)
- FGLI and International Student Needs Amidst COVID-19: (information-gathering form to bring to Penn administrators)
- Philadelphia COVID-19 Small Business Relief Fund
- Pennsylvania Pandemic Unemployment Assistance
- Update from Reading Terminal Market
- Access to COVID-19 testing and healthcare information
- Neighbors helping Neighbors: Request For Aid - Philly Mutual Aid for Folks affected by COVID-19: (support for those who would like food or other supplies dropped off at your door, need prescriptions picked up, or need transportation assistance)
- If you would like to become a part of the support network and provide support services to those affected by COVID-19 fill out this form and you will be connected with someone in need of assistance.
- Free meals for families: (All children and youth are eligible, and no ID is required)
- City resources: (Essential services are still open in Philadelphia. See link for details on which services are available and how to access them)
- PHILLY Mask Crusaders are calling for donations of personal protective equipment (PPE) that could be useful for frontline workers (i.e. masks, gloves, etc.)
- The City of Philadelphia's Office of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy is conducting a survey to gather data about the financial impact that COVID-19 has had on arts and cultural organizations and individual artists
- The Office of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy is providing and promoting information and resources for artists and arts organizations to help them through the COVID-19 health crisis
- The Philadelphia Cultural Alliance is working to provide its members and the arts and culture community with updates, news and resources regarding the COVID-19 outbreak
- Philly Artists/Freelancers Relief & Resources
If any listed resources are no longer available, links are broken, or you have additions to the list, please email [email protected]
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CAMRA bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.
CAMRA bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.